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“This is a great ad. The format fits perfect on Feber.”
“Unusually good promotional item. Good work!”
Advertorials are mostly used in print or similar web publications, and is written in article format with an approach to look like any article that holds editorial content in that publication. It is promoting a product or service with the intent to sell something to the reader.
When you as a reader gets an advertorial in your content flow, you understand that there will be an offer or sales pitch in the end. However an advertorial gives you time with the reader, making it easier to reach a potential consumer with your message.
Native Advertisement
This is the more modern take on the advertorial format, where the reader/consumer is in focus giving them another way to experience the message. Native advertisement is tailored to the publications content, layout and audience – hence the word native.
Opposed to an advertorial, this type of advertisement is not pushing instant sales. Instead the purpose is to give value to the reader, it’s all about letting the recipient feel that they have gained knowledge, helping them rather than selling a product or service.
Content Marketing
This is an approach used by the sender in their own channels to gain leads with information through blogs, newsletters, whitepapers or videos, whether this would be giving advice or share valuable insights to the matching audience.
There are opinions that native advertisement and content marketing are the same, and if we would be knitpicking, a native advertisement in it’s purest form can’t be achieved in any other format or publication that it is published on.
The Network
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We are COORE
Morbi non erat vel ex bibendum bibendum eu eget arcu. Proin aliquet dignissim mauris, ac bibendum urna venenatis a. In ut magna ac eros interdum rutrum at eu odio. Aenean et gravida lacus. Quisque ut dui nisi. Mauris blandit odio euismod felis pellentesque, at ornare nisl cursus.